A Deadline for Australians, A Convention for All of Us

Editor’s note: It’s been a while since I posted a Tuesday Poem – now that I blog only once a week, the Tuesday Poem has to compete for space with other posts – but I have neither forgotten nor dropped out: expect a Tuesday Poem here next week. I also have to choose a hub Tuesday poem for the forthcoming week in which I’m the editor!

A reminder to Australian poets and writers: 4 June 2013 is the deadline for submissions to The Stars Like Sand: Australian Speculative Poetry, which P. S. Cottier and I are co-editing. Check out the submission guidelines, and remember: expat Australians, wherever they may live, are welcome and encouraged to submit!

And, whatever your nationality, I recommend checking out Au Contraire 2013, this year’s New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention. The previous Au Contraire in 2010 was the best New Zealand NatCon I’d been to in ages – I especially enjoyed the stronger-than-usual focus on writers and writing. I’ll be involved in some poetry-related programme items at Au Contraire, and I happen to know that at least three other Tuesday Poets will be involved with aspects of the Convention as well – so anyone with an interest in speculative fiction or poetry should consider coming along.