Emergency Weather Update
My new climate fiction novel Emergency Weather is being launched this Wednesday, 4 October! I’d love to see you at the launch – 6pm at Unity Books Wellington: https://www.facebook.com/events/667791528368999
Emergency Weather is already appearing in bookshops. In Wellington, it’s been spotted in Unity (see below) and Good Books. If your local bookshop doesn’t have it, please ask them to order it in. In case they need it, the ISBN is 978-1-98-859572-6.

The book’s also available online from The Cuba Press shop: https://thecubapress.nz/shop/emergency-weather/
Neil Johnstone of Wellington City Libraries interviewed me about EW – see the interview:
and read the blog: https://www.wcl.govt.nz/blog/index.php/2023/09/29/interview-emergency-weather-author-tim-jones/
The Herald’s Canvas magazine published my article about climate fiction and climate reality – it’s firewalled, but also available in the print edition. More coverage to come!
If you read Emergency Weather and like it, please leave a review on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198972056-emergency-weather
All About Anthologies
Not really all about anthologies, but about two of them:
The Penguin New Zealand Anthology: 50 stories for 50 years in Aotearoa

I’m very pleased that Penguin Books selected my story “The New Neighbours” from my second short story collection, Transported, to represent 2008 in this anthology, which is on sale from 3 October.
Remains To Be Told: Dark Tales of Aotearoa

This anthology of dark NZ fiction and poetry includes my poem “Guiding Star”. Its New Zealand launch is at Wellington’s Verb Festival on 11 November and I’m looking forward to taking part, with many of the other Wellington-region authors represented. Come along if you can!
Congratulations, Tim! I hope the launch of your novel went well.
Thanks, Penelope – it did go well! I’ll post more about it later this week.