Some Holiday Reading: Regeneration, Fresh Fear and Men Briefly Explained

If you’re considering buying a book to read over the holidays, how about one of these?

Regeneration: New Zealand Speculation Fiction 2

Regeneration contains my story “Rescuing the Airmen” and 21 other excellent stories of New Zealand speculative fiction. You owe it to yourself to get a copy – in paperback or ebook formats – and you can do so through Random Static or Amazon.

Here is a review of Regeneration from Debbie Cowens, and here is the wonderful cover by Emma Weakley:

Fresh Fear

What could be more horrifying than the holiday season? Nothing except Fresh Fear, a new horror anthology, edited by William Cook, in which my story “Protein” proudly yet modestly appears together with such luminaries of the field as Ramsey Campbell and Charlee Jacob. Get your scare on – or buy it for someone else, and then chuckle malevolently.

Men Briefly Explained

Give the gift of enlightenment! Near and dear ones are puzzled about what makes the [hypothetical] men in their lives tick. Now, with one slim yet chunky volume of poetry, they can find the answers they need.*

Men Briefly Explained is available from as a paperback or Kindle ebook, and is also available from the publisher and from me: email for details.

*May not actually contain the answers they need.