What’s better than one SF/F novella? Six of ’em, collected together as Shortcuts: Track 1, edited by Marie Hodgkinson, from Paper Road Press: http://paperroadpress.co.nz/b…/shortcuts-track-1-collection/
I have just received my author copies of Shortcuts: Track 1 and it looks really good, with a great cover by KC Bailey:
- “Landfall” by Tim Jones (more about “Landfall” here!)
- “Bree’s Dinosaur” by A C Buchanan
- “The Last” by Grant Stone
- “Mika”, by Lee Murray and Piper Mejia
- “Pocket Wife” by IK Paterson-Harkness
- “The Ghost of Matter” by Octavia Cade
Now available in paperback and as an ebook on Amazon, and for order as a paperback through bookstores using the following details:
Title: SHORTCUTS: Track 1
Editor: Marie Hodgkinson
ISBN: 9780473336486
Distributor: Paul Greenberg, Greene Phoenix Marketing and PDL